Hello Daydrinkers,
It has been way too long and for that I apologize. Life has been getting in the way of this great hobby of ours. Instead of celebrating with friends over drink and fun, I have been working too much and then going home to booze in seclusion. This doesn't mean there haven't been a few great DayDrinker days. I'll try and remember a few.
St. Patrick's Day. Mardi Gras was still lingering in our head and liver. No matter, it was time to drink. Though we didn't have plans. Who needs plans We were hanging out in the Erin Rose when two seats came available on the Erin Rose horse drawn carriage. There is a parade every year from Molly's to the Rose and Back. Awesome. It was a nice change of pace to be the ones tossing the beads at others. A Bottle of Sailer Jerry Rum, all the beads we could toss and a free seat in the parade.
New York. I love visiting New York DayDrinkers... in the summer. We got a hotel room in Times Square. Right in the middle of the shit. Some of the most powerful DayDrinkers live in New York. We met up with Stone who is a closet DayDrinker. That's right. He lives his life much like Clark Kent. Mild mannered upstanding citizen, until it's time to rip the shirt off and go to work. He didn't disappoint. We covered a wide swatch of the city. Great restaurants, Bars, Deli's, Pizza joint's, Bars, and sketchy food stands. As always Milhouse was ready to roll up his sleeves and do some heavy lifting. Fresh from finally finishing his schooling he came out running. Ana was there as well in a suprise to us all, especially Milhouse who didn't know she was coming. My sister and brother are unbelievably talented DayDrinkers."Lamanda" is becoming one of my favorate NY DDS members. "Jamanda" took the city like a seasoned pro and we cabed and taxied all over. We got to see the Reegal Beegal play, gassed the smallest drinks I ever saw right before a Broadway play, Saw John and Adrian run a beer pong table for six hours, saw Adrian then puke in the basement (dick), Had a drink with our old friend Bill Hader and did a whole lot of other stuff. I'm trying to remember a good story......
Ahhh, McSorley's. One of the oldest bars in New York, and it looks it. Sagging ceiling, no music, musty smell, musty bartender. I didn't realize we were going to such an esteemed place when I walked in. Like an amateur I belly up the the bar and order a Stella and a Guinness. "Great, one dark and one light" says the bartender and slides me four 8 ounce beer mugs. Where am I? McSorley's only has two beers. A Dark chewy bock and a hoppy pilsner. How fucking awesome is that? Also if you order one beer, you get two 8 ounce beers. Why? Who cares? A bar broken down the the most simple elements. Quite refreshing for a city that frankly has been pussyfied over the last 20 years. It's hard to find a sense of danger in New York, but it's a great place to go 8 times and never see the same bar twice. But I guess when you drink as much as we do we wouldn't remember anyway.
Just as we thought it was time to go home we ended up in a perfect New York moment. What a horrible stereotype come true. We got in the cab. The driver a young middle-eastern man. He raced through traffic like a crazy person. It reminded my of the Seinfeld sketch where he says being in a New York cab is like watching a movie. You don't feel the danger. You feel safe even though you are inches from death. Amanda didn't feel the way I did. At one point our driver almost hit a construction worker. Seriously, it felt like central casting. All the silly city types were out. The worker pulled his hammer out and smashed the rear view mirror off the cab. The two of them screamed at each other for a few minutes and we sped off. For the next 20 minutes he cut off as many people as he could and ran as many lights as were red. Everyone should have to ride in this guys cab. I finally felt the New York danger I was missing earlier in the trip. I slept all the way home.
Back in the 100 degree heat of New Orleans. There is only one thing to do. Tubing. Toooobing. We brought along some new DayDrinkers tubing. To our dismay, Mississippi has outlawed booze on the river. What the fuck else would you do while tubing? What were we supposed to do with our huge supply? We got on the river and drank. Ahhhh. At some point people passing us tell us that the cops will be waiting at the end of the river and will fine us $200 per can, empty or not. Shit. That's like $9600. We stop for a DayDrinker meeting. As we discuss the possibilities, Boyband is franticly digging a landfill for the empties. I do not condone littering. I also do not condone Mississippi.
What else? Pool season is in full swing. i suggest you go to the nearest hotel pool with a bar and float drunkenly for a Saturday or two. Who want's to write one of these blogs? I'd love to hear from you? Ana is in Panama, Other DayDrinkers are all over doing cool stuff. Email me!
Some sad news. Our brother and DayDrinking friend Justin passes away last month. He was a passionate, funny, exuberant person. I didn't know him as well as others but I understood how special he was. I miss him. Me and a few other DayDrinkers were blessed to be able to spend the day with him about a week before he died. I'm thankful for that. A jazz funeral was held in the quarter. I don't have the words to describe it. I will post a blog in the New Orleans section of this site soon with pictures and Justin things. Feel free to add to it.
I can't wait to see you all. Send me pics and stories.