Hello DayDrinkers,
Lately when people have asked me what I have been up to I have had a strong desire to tell them that I have been working on my day drinking (i.e. drinking during the day as often as possible), but since many people frown upon this behavior I have been reluctant to do so. However, this thing of ours is growing. There are like minded sun dependant drunkards out there. Be reluctant no longer! Spring/Summer has arrived in New York and is going strong and the NYDDS has come out of hibernation. Though we drank through the cold months, it was confined to the indoors. We have even ventured into the night and I think we clean up nicely…
We are moving up in the world! We were recently invited to a Stoli party in NYC that boasted an open bar that only served various flavors of Stoli Vodka (Thanks for the invite Lori). Day drinkers look at an open bar as a challenge. It is like a drunken marathon. One must pace one's self while drinking as much as possible...and we did.
Jose may not look excited, though he is excited when he is working out the logistics of KY/Baby Oil slip and slide (Thank you NOLA DDS) and water baloon grenades...
Some our favorite DDS alumni made appearances this weekend (Pierre, Johnny Bravo and Jack)
Some new members...(Amanda the Flopper and our Soon To Be Married Couple, Rhea and Will)
All is well in NY DDS. We hold our heads high when stumbling out of a bar with the sun high in the sky while the random lay person is sitting fighting the daily grind. Keep your heads up day drinkers. We are growing strong with time. Hey Lillian, You are a tough act to follow. I love you all. Peace.