Hello DayDrinkers,
I sit here on Sunday morning writing you with a head full of poo. Its been weeks since Jazzfest and still I have just got the energy to write. My hazy memory tells me that I spent the night at the casino last night winning for a change. Milhouse sent me a text telling me that "somehow DayDrinking makes one feel more invincible." Later he sent "DayDrinking leads to nightdrinking." I agree with both statements and see no need to argue with him.
Jazzfest. We awoke on the first day and got on our bikes. We were equipped with booze, special chocolates, and a zest for life. We rode and stopped at bars and looked up at the sky which was about to open up and soak us. As we rode I turned around to enjoy the view of 7 soldiers behind me but I counted 8. We stopped at Cafe Degas for the traditional triple shot of Jameson and I got to meet Becca. Becca had flown to NOLA only an hour before and gotten on her bike by her self to see the fest. She soon ran into us and asked to join in the ride. I love it. A new member was made. She is from Minnesota and jelled nicely. We got to the fest and the sky opened up. Chocolate time. Entering the fest is a blur. The pictures are helpful. It rained hard. I peed on Amanda. Music. Mud. Biking through the 1/4. Taking our clothes off at the Erin Rose. Bed.
We awoke at night. Tickets to a great show. More Chocolate. The show was one that can not be put down in words. If you, good DayDrinker, have not been to JazzFest, Please, come.
The rest of the two week fest is a blur of fun and booze and music. If I had written sooner if would have remebered more. If anyones elses lazy ass had written, you would have a better account of events but alas, we are Drunks.
Coming up, the DayDrinkers go on tour with Tom Waits. Me, Amanda, Renee, Boy-Band, Evan, Ryan, Lillian and Bambi are following Waits through the south this July. If you can get a ticket, come.