Hello DayDrinkers,
It's Sunday morning and all is well in DayDrinkerLand. I spent all of Saturday amongst friends. We rode bikes through the French Quarter and drank. We ate burgers, gambled, drank, and drank some more. We went to see music at night and I sat in the street eating ribs. Then I fell asleep in a thicket of holly bushes. A perfect day. Today there are some casualties here in blanket city. I've had to patch up some drinking soldiers. There's been some sore bodies and waves of depression. All in a days work. I've had to quote rules 32 and 99. rule 32=No apologies for drunken buffoonery. Rule 99=never say you won't drink again.
Octoberfest. That right, Octoberfest. For the amount of drinking that goes on in New Orleans, there is a shortage of places to celebrate this wonderful holiday. We had to settle for Gordon Biersch. I love me some liter steins. For the next few weeks I expect pictures and stories from you about Octoberfest. This is a historic DayDrinker event. I want you to spend your Saturdays and Sunday (and Monday through Fridays) in a tent. A tent with beer, obnoxious jerks, and your friends. Yes, I know, your friends are obnoxious jerks, so are you. There is nothing like a liter mug. It's great for your self esteem. It makes your biceps look tone. You get that look on your face that says "yeah that's right, I'm going to drink all of it. When it's empty, I'm going to get another. Any questions?" After two wonderful liters of Belgian beer I came up with Octoberfest Roulette. It's just throwing your mug in the air after you have drained it and whoever gets hit, loses. You can only play it once.
DDS film fest. I spent the day yesterday shooting footage of us with my digital camera. Most of us have a camera that can shoot video. I propose a DDS filmfest where we shoot 60 second films on our camera's or cell phones. I will put a few shots up on the myspace page once i can cut them together.
Renee's quote of the day "We go through Vodka like A-rabs go through suicide bombers"