Saturday, September 1, 2007

DDS Newletter September 1, 2007

September 1, 2007

Dear fellow daydrinkers. I’m sitting here on the couch writing to you about the state of affairs in the daydrinker world.

Things are going pretty well for us daydrinkers. We have our own site. The price of drinks are at a stable level and liver function is at an all time high. The Costa Rica trip is moving ahead full force and anyone who is interested should call or e-mail J. I’m currently planning the first annual DayDrinkersSociety party. This will be in December and hopefully will be held in Multiple cities. I think it will swallow up the Frank Sinatra Birthday party this year. Don’t worry, the theme is 60’s cabana wear. They don’t know it yet but I hope to ask Morning 40 Federation to play a set. So like I said, things are going well, at least her in NOLA. Chapters around the country please feeel free to comment and let us know how you are doing.

May I suggest a weekend activity for you in your home town? Lately we have been “visiting” rooftop pools and enjoying the hospitality of the bars there. This is a great way to pretend you are on vacation and go to the pool for free. Look at the slide show. I’m pretty sure there is a pic or two to show you what I mean. You can do this anywhere. Ride your bike downtown, go to the pool, order a drink and your in business. I suggest you overtip the bartender and after two or three drinks you can bring him in on your scheme He will appreciate your devious nature and your generous ways. Next time he will be an ally. After establishing yourself, you can bring friends and your trusty barkeep will welcome you by name. DDS Saturday, try it. Let me know how it goes.

Another idea for the site is to create a page where I outline the best bathrooms in a given city for when you need something nicer then a urinal or a stall with no walls. I might use a google map and highlight the most DDS friendly hotels and restaurants. No one wants to be caught short, DDS is here to help.

I’d love to hear your ideas. Please send them to me. Also feel free to use the calendar to add local events in your city. Now I think I’m going to take a shower and go find some “Lunch”.

Have Fun,