Hello Daydrinkers,
One of the best DayDrinker events of the year has got to be Voodoo fest. Awesome bands, great food, everyone comes. This year was my favorite by far. March Forth Martching Band, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Down, P-Funk, The Flaming Lips, Jane's Addition, Gogol Bordello, The New Orleans Bingo Show!, Morning 40 Federation, Fluer de Tease. Holy shit, they delivered. Saturday was great. The day started out with the yearly bikeride to Cafe Degas wherethe same little old french woman sold us "Shots" of Jamison that were 8 or 9 oz. huge. We walked around and ate and saw some great music. Sunday was just as good. One of our team was searched at the gate. Security found contraband on him yet let him go with the warning "don't get caught". Odd. For me the highlight was The Flaming Lips who made me forget all the bullshit of work which was distracting me that day. I let go and it was beautiful. Our new Austin friend Scott was there to enjoy the beauty which is New Orleans in it's purest. Thanks Scott for being open minded and tough enough to get the DayDrinkers tour of New Orleans without making us take you to the hospital.