Hello Daydrinkers,
Sorry it's been so long since I last wrote. It's been an incredibly busy time. I was looking through pictures for this post and I realized that life has been on hold for me for some time while I earned enough money to continue having fun. Now the year is coming to an end and it's time to relax, reflect, and plan for a bigger and better DayDrinker future.
What have we accomplished this year? As a society, we have grown in number and in quality. We have traveled the country spreading the word and we have met great new people. Just last night I got to meet some new members from San Fransisco. They are excited to spread the word and write about their escapades.
If you have not yet had a chance please check out the video Ariana and Nick posted about their time off traveling the Pacific north west. It has inspired me to start putting together a video of my own.
Earlier this year Daydrinkers from all over got together for a few Tom Waits show. It was great fun and I hope to do something like it soon again.
In New Orleans we celebrated Frank Sinatra's birthday. We took over a small bar and paid or respects to the chairman. We will post pictures of that in the next few days.
Earlier this year I had the chance to visit Southern California and meet some of the best DayDrinkers ever in Orange County. They welcomed us with free drinks and indoor wiffle ball. I can't wait to get back and see them again.
New York is doing great things. From Drunken' slip and slide to inventing the "Milhouse" (Makers Mark, unsweetened tea, and lemon), and all the late nights and early mornings in the city.
Soon we will meet with DDS Hawaii. We will spread the word to the Polynesians! We are in talks to have a small DDS festival in the French Quarter. We are planning a Mardi Gras Parade, and a DDS trip to Portland where there are great members who we need to get to know.
We will continue to meet new friends, do stupid things, and report them here. Good luck in the new year and please continue to email and post your fun here.