Hello DayDrinkers,
It's been since Mardi Gras that I have taken the time to write this newsletter. It's been a hectic time these last few months. Alot has been going on.
Most important has been the updates that have been going on to the site. Nick has worked many hours creating a forum page for us as well as correcting some other problems that I am too dumb to explain properly. You will now have the ability to sign in, create a profile and bitch about whatever makes you happy. I hope you all take advantage of this. Already up is a thread where you can post your lame kid pics for us all to laugh at.
Since we last talked there has been many DayDrinking events all around the country. I hope some of you use the forum to let us all know in detail what they were. Here in New Orleans we used the backyard BBQ's to lure in new members. Pamela, I can't wait for you to send some of your pictures to us. There was Friendship day on Algiers point as well as some very memorable French Quarter excursions that I can't remember. (I just go online the next day and relive the fun by checking out my bank statements). There was a Puerto Rico trip that resulted in some great video as well as pictures. Someone let me know how to utilize youtube with DDS and I would love to start linking videos. Also we had the 1st annual DDS games in Puerto Rico. There were only two of us but we had fun anyway. Start saving your coconuts for next years tire toss. New York has been doing a great job. We have two more lifers, those with DDS tattoos. Reegal Beegal is creating new DayDrinkers every day. Los Angeles always works hard and I hear that the O.C. chapter is up and running. Boston...we came, we taught...you haven't answered the call. Shape up. Stewart, Natalia, You guys are our Anchors, teach the rest. We have had new inquires from Austin, follow up please. I hope that as the site evolves, more people wil choose to send in stories and pictures and create events. I can't wait to see what the spring holds for us. Rooftop pool season starts this weekend so cozy up the the hotel staff at the best hotels in town and send my some pictures.