Welcome home good drinkers. This place is for you. Forever we have been out there on the streets, forced to walk the night like common vampires. They tried to keep us shrouded by the dark. I am here to say you no longer need to squint and hide from the sun. Embrace it. Tell that jerk next to you in the diner to get his own Makers on the rocks and stop glaring at yours. So what if it’s 7AM on a Tuesday. Since I can remember they have looked down their nose at us. Let me quote fellow daydrinker Milhouse:
"Why should time of day dictate when I drink? I want pancakes for dinner and whiskey for breakfast. I don't care that it's 5:00p.m somewhere. It's 8:30a.m. I'm late for work, and I'm drinking a warm flat high life left from the night before".
Like I said welcome home. We are not drunks, we are hobbyists. Some prefer to play sports, some work out, we would rather ride bikes in a crowded city during peak hours carefully balancing a drink in on hand while the other steers masterfully from one pub to the next. We would rather spend our day carefully switching from Guinness to screwdrivers, then gin and tonics, finally bourbon…but only as the sun sets thus providing our body’s with proper nourishment to sustain us while keeping our temperaments even throughout a fourteen hour session. You try that, “volleyball guy”.
We have been guilted into thinking this behavior is somehow inappropriate. No longer. We are here to celebrate our lifestyle. Stop asking if you drink too much. Stop asking if it’s wrong to drink alone. You can’t drink alone if you are part of a society right? That’s one problem solved already. We’re going good here. Really rolling up our sleeves and taking this thing on head on.
The idea to band together like this came to be in the heart of New Orleans, where this thing of ours is not only tolerated, but applauded. Friends and family come here to become daydrinkers on vacation. No longer. Take to the streets of your fair city and start a trend. Start a chapter. Enjoy your hobby to the best of your ability. Don’t sell yourself short.
Any Joe can go to a bar and get drunk. It takes a special person to go to ten bars and mix drinks like a mad chemist. We salt of the earth drinkers know that of your stomach is unhappy, hit him with a white Russian. Feeling tired? Tequila is the best way to put gas in your tank. Jim Morrison was a daydrinker before his time. When the lizard king was hungry, he ordered a Pina Colada…extra fruit.
We hope this site is helpful to you. We will be adding new things all the time. Tell us you stories, send us your pictures, celebrate the challenging but rewarding lifestyle that you live. We’re daydrinkers after all. Cheers.